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Houston Community College

Construction Inspections Services

TLC Engineering, Inc. acted as an agent providing quality control inspections services for HCC on project sites to ensure that projects were in compliance with the City of Houston Commercial Energy Conservation Code, adhered to specifications, and observed quality control as required of a public works facility. Skanska USA was the general contractor and 11 different companies participated in the designs. The HCC contract involved several task orders.

The Task Order for the project for the San Jacinto Building involved historic building designation and, when completed in 2014, the building qualified as a LEED Silver Project. The building comprises 178,828 square feet. TLC had four (4) full-time inspectors at the San Jacinto Project location, who helped keep the project running smoothly while providing thorough documentation for HCC.


Under a different task order, TLC inspectors provided oversight for parking lot construction near HCC’s Central campus. At least two additional parking garages were proposed for the HCC Bond projects that were earmarked for this contract. Although both are new parking garages, TLC was able to become familiar with HCC standards and staff, thus being able to provide critical work that contributed to the success of these projects. TLC’s Sr. Inspector assisted the contractor by directing effective team communications and task execution.


Contract Size: $36 million

Contract Year: 2011

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